The Autism Strike
At the age of 17 months old, my son received the MMR and DPT vaccinations the same day. Immediately he started with behavior and health problems that started with and episode of diarrhea that lasted for 3 weeks that continued with self injurious behavior in a cradling position hitting his head against the kitchen floor and a hyper activity that did not allow him to fall sleep at night. Also, he became aggressive to me. If upset or exited, he scratched me, hit me, or kicked me.
His hyper activity kept him up until three in the morning. His health was getting worse every day. He developed all kind of infections, started with fungus in his tongue, blisters in his fingers, bacteria in his buttocks, ear infection over and over, eyes infection, severe gingivitis, diaper rash, upper air way infection, skin rash similar to chicken pox.
Four months later his pediatrician transferred him to the Immunology Department of Children's Hospital. He was diagnosed with Neutropenia, an immune system disorder in which the white cells are too low that the system cannot fight bacteria. Within weeks he was transferred to the Oncology Department. He had a bone marrow aspiration and biopsy. On a 6 months follow up miraculous he was healed without any medication. God answered my prayers.
At his pediatrician's clinic he became very aggressive to me and he was referred to a neurologist. The neurologist referred him to The Regional Center. Here he was diagnosed with Autism at age 3 years 8 months old.
Immediately I started looking for information on Internet. I found the Homeopathy book 'Impossible Cure' by Amy Lansky. I contacted her and gave me the telephone number of John Melnychuk the same Homeopath that helped cure Amy's son.
My Son on the Homeopathy Remedy. The Road to Recovery.
January 2007, my son was 4 years old we had our first meeting with John. I went to the meeting with high expectations and my heart full of hope. My son's hyperactivity was so bad. He was not talking, his behaviors were so disruptive that at that point I was not taking him outside home on weekends.
He was going from home to day care only. Next month he started on a daily dosage of Homeopathy Remedy. His language started to develop nicely. He went from non-talking to a bilingual Spanish/English. In one year his language has developed so well that at age 5 years 2 months his Speech Assessment score 6.8 words! It is expected to speak one word per year of life. So he was expected to score 5.2
First, he healed from the severe gingivitis that already lasted 3 years. He had seen 3 different dentists with the same belief 'There is nothing that we can do he is too young now, just continue cleaning his mouth.'
On the first months on the remedy my son started understanding people's emotions. Before treatment he could not read my face. Now, I do not need to say a word. If I do not approve what he is doing, he understands my emotion only by looking at my face. Now, he said 'Mommy I want to see your face with a smile.'
After 6 months on the remedy my son was toilet trained. I was told at his day-care that people with autism are not aware of their needs so probably he was never going to be toilet trained.
I knew it was time for me to be a full time mother. My son needed support with the toilet training. I did not want him at the day-care because there was the risk for him of having regressions. I have big expectations for my son so I dropped him from the day-care and I brought my sister in law Carmen from El Salvador to help my son at home. I have to tell that Carmen took care of my son at my home for 2 months.
I said to Carmen: "Tomorrow put him only in his under wear and tell him to ask to go to the bathroom if he has the need."
He wet his pants only once. The next time he used the bathroom. He did not want to be with his pants wet. He is toilet trained since that day and never have had any toilet accidents. Two months after he was toilet trained he finally healed from the persistent fungus he has had in his diaper area.
His hyperactivity continued but there was a little bit of improvement. He had no need to be in the sofa on his usual upside down position. He had a fear for things that are normal routine like a hair cut. It was to the point that the last time he vomited at the beauty salon because the experience was so stressful for him. Now he lets me cut his hair. I do not need to wait until he is sleeping to cut his hair or nails. I can show him the scissors and he allows me to cut his hair. I can ask him to show me his fingers when it is time to cut his nails.
During the 8th month on the remedy my son had another tremendous improvement. One night he fell sleep at 9 o'clock! This was the miracle I was waiting for from the day he started the Homeopathy Remedy.
So, I left my job and I started taking care of him at home. Obviously, he was overwhelmed with his 2 hours of school and the rest of his day at day-care. So with some changes and the help of homeopathy he was able to calm down, regulate his body and finally he falls asleep at 9 as it is expected for a child his age.
Once he started with the pattern of good night sleep, he continues sleeping at 9. There have been so many days that he is sleeping at 7, so many days that he is sleeping at 8. It depends on how much activity he has had during the day.
12 Months on the Remedy My son is a typical child in Many Ways.
My son has turned 5 years now, he continues with his daily dosage of Homeopathy Remedy. In so many ways he is a typical child now. We have annual passes for Disneyland. I can take him to Disneyland with no problem at all. He is able to hold my hand and follow the park rules. Before, I could not take him outside home because he used to non-stop running. I was afraid I was going to lose him. I run but he is a lot faster.
I can take my son to McDonalds like any other typical child. My son enjoys himself in the play area. Once he has had enough he ask me for his meal. He is able to sit down and enjoys his meal. One I say 'It is time to go home' he holds my hand and walks with me.
Before, a trip to McDonalds was too much for him. He shivered from fear in the play area. In the meal area, he used to crash his body from one table to the other. He could not even eat, not even an ice cream.
Recently while we were eating at McDonald's an old lady approached me and gave me a compliment for my beautiful boy. Immediately my eyes filled with tears and I said "Thank you, you have no idea what your compliment means to me."
My son is going to start kindergarten next July 08. He already knows the 26 letters of the alphabet; he knows all the colors, the shapes. His social skills have started to develop; he is ready to join the crowd now.
I am aware that there are many challenges for my son in the first years of school but I am so happy for the accomplishments he has had and for the tremendous progress he has made. Every day is my proudest accomplishment My son is asleep at 9.
Ms. A.C. Los Angeles, CA