I cannot contain my excitement. From his first dose yesterday, we are seeing behaviors that are so NOT the J we know. For example, shortly after his dose yesterday, he decided he would like to be dropped off at school at the drop off line as opposed to being walked in. Huge!!!! But we were a bit skeptical so we said lets try it tomorrow. We talked to his teacher and asked if she would wait by the classroom entry so he would be more comfortable walking on his own from the car to his classroom. Today, when we got to school, the teacher was not there. But he wanted to walk so we dropped him off at the line - there was no hesitation at all. He grabbed his backpack and umbrella and walked right into his classroom.
He also had to turn in his library book and Easter eggs and a permission slip - we were convinced that he would not do any of those things - because of his anxiety and fear of talking to his teacher. When we picked him up today, he had not only turned in his book in the right cubby hole, but had also remembered to give the teacher both the permission slip and the Easter eggs. We are flabbergasted.
When he got home, he was very hungry - not normal for him at all since he eats very little. As soon as he was done eating, he opened up his backpack on his own, took out his red bag (reading program) - took a book out, sat down on his own and started reading. Again, this is not the J we know.
Mrs. K. E., Saratoga, CA